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English Now!

A Special Place To Learn English

Community Service and Volunteering

English Now! and our community service partner, the Washington Center for International Education (WCIE), organize service learning and volunteer programs year-round.

Our goals are to connect the Washington, D.C. international community to the local community, and to help others. We strive to offer a variety of programs and are always open to suggestions! Check out our existing service learning programs here. We hope you can join us! In addition, we encourage you to collaborate with English Now and WCIE to support these opportunities:

Year-Round Community Service Programs

Community Service for Adults. English Now! and WCIE encourage international residents of the Washington, D.C. area to consider volunteering. Volunteering offers an opportunity to speak English outside the classroom, meet people, and engage across cultures.

Student Service Learning (SSL) for International Teens. WCIE also organizes programs that enable international teens to earn SSL service hours. SSL service hours are required for high school graduation in State of Maryland public schools and are encouraged in many private schools. For information about WCIE's SSL programs, see here.

Community Service Weeks. For the last five years, we have offered two Community Service Weeks a year, in the spring and fall. Community Service Weeks offer many options to participate in small group community service activities. We are excited to announce our plans for our Spring 2023 Community Service Week. Join us to think globally, and serve locally! See the schedule online, email our community service partner, the Washington Center for International Education, to get involved, and we look forward to meeting you this spring!

Please provide us your name and email address in the form below. We will email you about additional programs to serve the community and bring us together.

Thank you very much for your interest in community service. We look forward to serving the community together with you!